Davidson Loehr

22 August 2004

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Today I want to offer you some high expectations and a challenge.

A critique offered twenty years ago to UU seminary students from a very wise Lutheran minister, Joseph Sittler. At that time he was around 80 and nearly blind. He observed that Unitarians had many great qualities but we hadn’t yet found what we were seeking.

He said, “You have some deep hungers that haven’t been filled.” When asked how he could tell he said, “I know what happens when religious people find what they’re seeking.” “The best of them get filled to overflowing, and the world around them is nourished by the overflow.” “When that happens even an old blind man will be able to see it.”

If this church were accused of having a faith that made a positive difference in the larger world around us would there be enough evidence to convict us? I’m not sure there would.

 Davidson Loehr 2004